Understanding Yourself & the Ones You Love
Through the Lens of the Five Elements in Chinese Medicine
Saturday, March 25, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
To be held in a friendly living room on S. Governor Street in Iowa City
Sliding Scale $15-$35
Registration Deadline is March 22.
You sometimes find yourself cycling through the same old patterns. It can feel like either no one understands you or you don’t understand why every one else is not doing things the way it seems it should be done.
This workshop is for you if you value:
- self-awareness
- insight into relationship with yourself & others
- supporting the people you love in being their true, authentic selves
- insight into your own authentic sense of self.
You will:
- gain tools & insight to live into your own strengths
- gain insight into the lives of your loved ones
- understand constitutional archetypes through the lens of the five elements in Chinese Medicine.
The Ecology of Wellbeing
In Five Element Acupuncture, we recognize the ecology of the natural world as fully present within ourselves, reflected in the natural cycles in health and out of health. For example, what does the season of Spring look and feel like inside you? What wisdom can you bring to your life by watching the natural world in springtime? What about summertime, wintertime, and all the other seasons?
We can take this wisdom from the natural world and apply it to the five elements, understanding the aspects of each season, each element within ourselves. What are the gifts that we can learn from Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, or Water? We understand that we hold aspects of all five of these elements within. Some are stronger and more predominant than others. How does the world look different to someone with a strong sense of Earth versus someone with a strong sense of Wood?
Can we learn to love each other more deeply by understanding the five archetype’s of the Five Element Tradition?
What we will do:
We will spend four hours learning the gifts of each of the elements and exploring how each feels within ourselves. There will be descriptions of each element and archetype along with guided meditations, journalling exercises or other forms of self expression. By the end of this time together, you will have new perspective and tools for better understanding yourself and those you love.
Potluck lunch from 12-1.
Please Register Here:
Registration deadline is March 22. After the 22nd, please contact me to see if there’s still space!
Sliding Scale Fee: $35-$15. Please indicate the level you can offer balanced with fair exchange and your financial needs.
Checks can be mailed to Deep Roots Acupuncture, 720 S. Dubuque Street, Suite 3, Iowa City, IA 52240.
[contact-form to=’health@deeprootsacupuncture.org’ subject=’Workshop Registration’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Questions?’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’How did you hear about this workshop?’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Amount you can offer: Sliding Scale $35-$15′ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Do you have dietary restrictions?’ type=’checkbox-multiple’ options=’Gluten Free,Vegetarian,Vegan,Dairy Free,Other’/][/contact-form]