Free Consult

You’d like to get a better feel for what I offer and if I can really help you. It would set you mind at ease to meet with me, ask as many questions as you need, to get a sense of the space, and if I am someone that you feel that you can work with. These can be important things for some before committing to a treatment plan. This allows you to move forward with peace of mind.

This is simply an opportunity for you to learn more.

If, after meeting and responding to your questions, you’d like to schedule, we would at that point set up your first visit to come in for the Initial Intake, Assessment, and Treatment, where we would then work together to determine the best treatment plan based on what we gather during that extended time together.

It’s also important to acknowledge that not every practitioner is the right match for everyone. You may find that you would be more comfortable working with someone else. There are no strings attached and no fine print with the free consult. If it doesn’t feel right, I wish you well on your path to health in whatever direction you choose.

You can schedule a free consult with me by calling 319.930.8303 or you can schedule online.


I look forward to meeting with you!

