What is Community Acupuncture?
Community Acupuncture at the Quill’s Nest at Deep Roots Acupuncture offers relaxing and soothing care in a small group setting with a sliding scale $25-$50. This is a moment where you get to step out of your routine, provide some respite for your spirit with a full smattering of offerings – all treated with points on the arms and legs, sometimes on the head (with loose comfortable clothing that is easy to move around the limbs).
You’re stress levels may be up, or you’re going through a transition. Maybe your gut is feeling funky, or your sinuses have been bothering you. Soft music in a cozy environment, set up with reclining zero gravity chairs, we’ve got treatments to unwind what’s tight, lift what’s weighing you down, soothe the aches and pains, release the cranky. We’ve got you covered. There’s something about treatment in a group setting that has its own magic and alchemy. It’s cozy, it’s quiet, sometimes there’s laughter, there are ways to fill me in on what your needs are without others hearing your story.

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Community Acupuncture aims to increase the accessibility of care for members of the community through a sustainable model that
- increases treatment availability in the schedule;
- is affordable for more individuals in the community; and
- is supportive and sustainable for the practice and practitioner
Community Acupuncture Life Cycle: Regular, frequent treatment works best, pay what you can afford, get here often enough, get better and stay better, tell your friends and family, support your local acupuncturist and the wider community.
~ POCA; People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture

Treatments are offered in a group setting where multiple patients receive treatments at the same time. Reclining chairs are setup in a community room. Wearing loose, comfortable clothing, we are able to access points for any number of ways to support your health and wellbeing. These are often points located below the knees or elbows, or around the head and ears.
Treatments are scheduled every 15 minutes. When you come in, you can make yourself comfortable in an available chair while I finish up with someone else. We will chat briefly and you can select your goals for the treatment from a “menu board” of common protocols, or specify more specifically any other concerns you’d like to address. We will put in needles and let them rest for 20-30 minutes while I move on to work with the next.
There is something magical about treatments in a group setting. It is different than a private session. It’s almost like there’s a different alchemy in the air when multiple people are receiving treatments at the same time. It’s worth experiencing.
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The Sliding Scale:
Community Acupuncture is offered on a sliding scale basis in order to increase accessibility to more individuals in the community. The group model allows us to offer treatment at lower rates than private sessions. A general guideline for selecting your level of payment is for those whose annual income is above $100,000 consider the full rate of $50. Those with an annual income below $25,000, consider the $25 rate. You can choose to offer any level that feels appropriate for you. I trust that what you offer is a gift that feels good for all.
For lots more information on Community Acupuncture as a social movement check out POCA: People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture