Celebrating a New Logo

What better time to change one’s logo than when one is also changing one’s location, address, business cards, letterhead and all the rest, right?

The vision for this new logo arose last fall and I’ve enjoyed the process of working with a graphic designer to turn it into what it has become.

My previous logo was one I designed back in 2005 when I was starting my first private practice in Brattleboro, VT. The image of sitting in meditation, finding the stillness and quiet within, listening for the inner voice of internal guiding wisdom spoke to me at that time.

My practice these days has been holding a different message. More often, in the work I am doing with individuals, we are moving from places of stuckness, stretching into new growth, embracing new aspects of life, and growing into one’s full potential. This is beautiful work that I get to witness on a regular basis. The previous logo doesn’t communicate that as well.

One of the things I’m enjoying with the new logo is all the different aspects that people are seeing in it. A good logo, I believe, has many levels of meaning. What do you see? I look forward to hearing how it speaks to you.

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