The beginning of February is the turning of the corner between Winter & Spring. We are exactly midway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox this week. From here on out, it may still feel like we are in the grips of deep winter, but the return of light starts to speed up, as we gain a couple extra minutes of sunlight each day. Check out this chart for time of sunrise and sunset and change in day length for your region.
So what does this have to do with our health? Our bodies respond to the sunlight and promise of warming days just as the plants do outside. As our own sap starts to run and circulate, we become aware of the sludge that has accumulated through the winter months.
Our energy levels may increase and it may feel really good to be outside and moving our bodies once again. When the season isn’t shifting quickly enough, we may find ourselves becoming moody and irritable.
In these early days of February, I love to ask the questions that reflect what is happening in the cycles of the natural world around me. This season, my inquiry for reflection is this: What seeds are buried deep within myself that are coiled, filled with potential and waiting to unfurl? Where am I preparing for growth in my life in the upcoming months? Can I move forward through this transition of seasons with an intention that is in alignment with my deep sense of self during this time?
Naming intentions can help strengthen the ability to bring them into fruition. Naming them in a collective setting can have an even stronger power in creating change and growth. I have a Vessel of Intentions, Hopes, & Dreams that sits on a shelf in my treatment room that welcomes submissions. I have been moved in the past when there has been an invitation to submit intentions to a collective gathering space. If you feel so moved, I invite the same in return. I will be happy to add any submissions of dreams or intentions to this sacred vessel so that it may have a chance to grow and mature in the company of others.
It can take great courage to allow yourself to hope and dream. To hope opens you to the vulnerability of disappointment. And disappointment can sometimes weigh too much to bear. Be tender with yourself. Nurture that fear. AND be courageous. Allow a bit of dreaming to awaken and let it add fuel to the fire of intentions.
Acupuncture, shiatsu, and Chinese herbs provide restoration of health and wellness so that you have the ability to bring fruition to your dreams. Schedule a time to come in to increase energy, decrease pain, improve clarity of mind and decision making during these upcoming months.
Blessings in this time of waiting for Spring,